December 2023 – Page 2 – A-1 Driving Schools | 19 Locations in Atlanta, GA

Portland Man Charged with Reckless Driving

A 21-year-old man from Portland was charged with reckless driving by the Gresham police after being caught driving at a speed exceeding 100 miles per hour on Powell Boulevard on Wednesday morning. According to the authorities, Giovanni Smith recklessly sped past a patrol car near 1200 East Powell Blvd around 2 a.m. and refused to stop when an officer attempted to pull him over. Smith eventually crashed into a street sign and house fence after spinning out near 3900 SE Powell Valley Road, officials say and tried to run away without shoes. Smith has been charged with multiple offenses, including reckless driving, unauthorized use of a vehicle, possession of a stolen vehicle, DUI, and other unrelated warrants. Furthermore, he is facing two felony charges for attempting to elude a police officer and failing to perform the duties of a driver.

As a driver you should never get in situations that you could harm other people. We hope that no one was harmed in this incident. We hope the driver gets help in drivers ed and reckless driving school. People should learn like instances like this, exactly what not to do when driving. If you have more questions about this article, don’t be afraid to ask A-1 Driving Schools, or visit our drivers education class.

Lifetime Suspensions for Speeding and Drunk Driving

People hit and killed by drivers in Atlanta last year has went up 20% since the last year. Council members has passed a law so to decrease speeding and driving while drunk. The resolution targets drag racing, street racing, reckless driving, exceeding speed limits, and drunk driving. The resolution states first-time offenders would have their licenses suspended for five years. The second offense earns a license suspension for a decade. A third offense would have the offender’s license suspended for life. It is called “Erica’s Law” in honor of Erica Pines, an Atlanta resident and former city employee who was critically injured on July 28 in a vehicle accident that left her with a shattered right ankle. She required multiple surgeries and is facing a 50% mobility, according to the legislation. Witnesses said the driver who hit her was racing with another car on the road, and he was simply given a ticket and allowed to go on about his business. We hope that this can help decrease dangerous activity on the road for Atlanta.