Bus Driver Drunk Driving with Kids on Board – A-1 Driving Schools | 19 Locations in Atlanta, GA

Bus Driver Drunk Driving with Kids on Board

51-year-old Jane Welch was arrested at the Park Village apartment complex after driving drunk while children were aboard her bus. The authorities were alerted by the bus company to conduct a well-being check on Welch at approximately 7:15 a.m. Subsequently, 25 minutes later, Welch was apprehended on the grounds of her slurred speech, strong odor of alcohol, and her attempt to maintain her balance by grabbing the student’s seat. Bus driver Welch was fired and charged with driving under the influence, negligent operation of a vehicle, and child endangerment while students were on board. The investigation is ongoing.

We’re glad nobody got hurt in that situation. It’s pretty scary that a kid who was being looked after had to go through that. This whole thing shows how important it is to make sure kids have a safe and secure environment, and that they’re taken care of by people who are responsible and they can trust. Even though we’re relieved nothing bad happened, it’s just not okay to put a kid in that kind of situation, especially when they’re supposed to be under someone’s care. We hope this never happens to your child, and the chances are very slim.

If you have any driving questions or needs don’t be afraid to contact A-1 Driving Schools!

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