Driving News – Page 8 – A-1 Driving Schools | 19 Locations in Atlanta, GA

Lifetime Suspensions for Speeding and Drunk Driving

People hit and killed by drivers in Atlanta last year has went up 20% since the last year. Council members has passed a law so to decrease speeding and driving while drunk. The resolution targets drag racing, street racing, reckless driving, exceeding speed limits, and drunk driving. The resolution states first-time offenders would have their licenses suspended for five years. The second offense earns a license suspension for a decade. A third offense would have the offender’s license suspended for life. It is called “Erica’s Law” in honor of Erica Pines, an Atlanta resident and former city employee who was critically injured on July 28 in a vehicle accident that left her with a shattered right ankle. She required multiple surgeries and is facing a 50% mobility, according to the legislation. Witnesses said the driver who hit her was racing with another car on the road, and he was simply given a ticket and allowed to go on about his business. We hope that this can help decrease dangerous activity on the road for Atlanta.

Car and Bus Collision

59-year-old Phyllis Poole crashed into a bus while drunk. Phyllis crashed into a fully parked car on Jolly Pond Road before backing into the driveway and then hitting the bus. In this crash, 7 of the children on the bus were injured. Thankfully no children were seriously hurt. She was taken to the hospital before she was arrested on charges of DUI and destruction of property.

Drinking while driving should never be applauded especially if it endangers the life of children. We hope the children are safe, and that Phyllis is taking a DUI class that will help her learn from this situation. We also hope you learn from what happened in this crash to show you just how bad driving under the influence is. If you need a DUI class like her, A1 Driving School is here for you with our DUI/Risk Reduction class.

Falling Asleep at the Wheel

The Johns Creek police recently received a report about a traffic hazard. When they arrived at the location, they discovered a man sleeping behind the wheel of an SUV with his foot on the brake. To avoid accidents, the officers positioned their patrol car in front of the SUV and then tried to wake the driver.

Like anyone else on the road, this driver had a responsibility. Depending on the situation, a person who falls asleep while driving could be guilty of reckless driving and vehicular manslaughter. In fact, in some states, operating a motor vehicle while drowsy can constitute a felony, depending on the circumstances of an accident and whether a fatality occurred. Most drivers who fall asleep at the wheel cannot hit the brakes before a collision and often accidentally accelerate, leading to high-speed and high-damage crashes. Luckily this driver hit the brakes and didn’t accelerate. We should try to avoid this as much as possible. If you need defensive driving because of falling asleep at the wheel, we’re here for you at A-1 Driving Schools.

Driving Teacher Sexually Assaults Student

A driver’s education teacher is now accused of sexually assaulting one of his students, a 17-year-old girl. Ronald Eglin, 61, has been charged with sexual assault. Investigators with the Houston Police Department said the teen told them the assault happened to her during and after her Oct. 2 driving lesson. Investigators think there are more victims. Elgin was arrested last Thursday and has been jailed on a $75,000 bond.

No one with this authority over a child should take advantage of a child like that. We are glad this girl has received justice. If anything like this has happened to you don’t be afraid to reach out. If you need a driving school you can trust A-1 Driving Schools is the option for you. We hope nothing like this ever happens to you. Stay safe!

Driving Under the Influence with a 3-year-old

Police said the 28-year-old male driver stopped at the stop sign and was passed out in the front seat with his 3-year-old child in the back seat. Officers broke the driver’s side window to rescue the driver. He was charged with driving while intoxicated with a minor. The child and vehicle were released to family members and the driver was taken to jail.

You should always being extremely cautious when driving with a child. We are happy to see that the little kid was released back to their family and we wish the best for them. If you are ever in a situation where someone you know is driving unsafely with or without a child, report them. DUI’s are a big deal, and A-1 is here to help!

DUI with a Nine-year-old

40-year-old Michael Thompson was charged with two counts of DUI manslaughter for his role in the Oct. 21 crash that killed 65-year-old Richard Mills and 61-year-old Joanne Talley. Thompson was driving under the influence with a nine-year-old girl as a passenger in his pickup truck when he rear-ended the motorcycle. According to court documents, Thompson was released from the Seminole County Jail on Oct. 24 on a total of $51,000 bond with pretrial conditions that prohibited him from possessing or consuming alcohol. Deputies say Thompson was caught on video violating those conditions on the same day he was released.

Alcohol and driving do not mix. We hope the nine-year-old girl in the car wasn’t harmed and is now safe. If you have problems with alcohol you should reach out and get help, and you should never drive under the influence. If you ever have trouble or need help just know A-1 has DUI school and a risk reduction course that an help you tremendously.

How to Drive on the Highway for the First Time

Driving on the highway for the first time might be scary, but A-1 is here to help! Follow the streps below to ensure that your first ride is safe.

-Choose the right time to enter the highway
-Start driving in the rightmost lane
-Use turn signals when changing lanes
-Maintain a wide field of view
-Remain calm while driving
-Stay focused on the road

19 Motorcyclist Arrested in DUI

Between October 9th and 15th, the Hawaii Island police arrested 19 motorists on suspicion of driving under the influence. Both driving a car and riding a motorcycle can be incredibly dangerous, and we must take steps to make our roads safer a safer place. This includes avoiding alcohol consumption before driving, as even a small amount can impair your ability to drive safely. It is important to never operate a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, particularly when riding a motorcycle.
We hope that no one was injured by any of the DUI incidents and that those motorists receive the necessary attention to drive safely in the future. A-1 Driving Schools offers drivers education courses, although we do not provide direct driving lessons for motorcycles. We also provide a DUI course, which is mandatory for those who have been arrested for driving under the influence. If you or a family member requires driving lessons or further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact A-1. We hope you have a great day!

Fatal Collision Between Motorcycle and Car

The driver of a 2003 Dodge truck traveling north on Jackson Avenue tried to make a left turn into an apartment complex and collided with a southbound 2013 Kawasaki motorcycle, police said. The motorcyclist was driven to the hospital, where he eventually died. He has not been named as of yet. The driver of the Dodge truck is currently under investigation for the crash, he has recently been booked into the Santa Clara County Jail for driving under the influence of alcohol. This is San Jose’s 41st fatal collision of 2023.

We send our condolences to the motorcyclists family, and if anything similar to this has happened to you we are extremely sorry. As of the driver of the Dodge truck we hope he understands what he did wrong in this situation and gets help. We hope he goes to a good driving school that has a good DUI course to help him get back on track. If you need a DUI course that will help you get back on track A-1 Driving Schools has an on-line and in-person course so you can take it at you own speed.

Elementary Teacher Doubles Blood Alcohol Limit

Leslie Spence, a teacher in Tampa was arrested and charged for driving under the influence, and also received a citation for the inability to not stay in a single lane. An eye witness reported her driving east on State Road 60 at about 25 mph, swerving across lanes. The 52-year-old woman was found with watery-bloodshot eyes, and slurred speech, and the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage. She then proceeded to threaten the officers stating “My father is a lawyer and he will sue every single one of you.” She provided two breath samples – one measured a blood alcohol level of 0.213, and the other 0.214 – which were both well over twice the legal limit.

Having a drink is fine, but you should always limit your intake regardless if you are driving or not. If you are not in the shape to drive at the moment, you always have other options like Uber, Lyft, a trusted friend, and more. We hope Leslie gets the help she needs, and if you need help along with Leslie, A-1 is happy to help!