Elementary Teacher Doubles Blood Alcohol Limit – A-1 Driving Schools | 19 Locations in Atlanta, GA

Elementary Teacher Doubles Blood Alcohol Limit

Leslie Spence, a teacher in Tampa was arrested and charged for driving under the influence, and also received a citation for the inability to not stay in a single lane. An eye witness reported her driving east on State Road 60 at about 25 mph, swerving across lanes. The 52-year-old woman was found with watery-bloodshot eyes, and slurred speech, and the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage. She then proceeded to threaten the officers stating “My father is a lawyer and he will sue every single one of you.” She provided two breath samples – one measured a blood alcohol level of 0.213, and the other 0.214 – which were both well over twice the legal limit.

Having a drink is fine, but you should always limit your intake regardless if you are driving or not. If you are not in the shape to drive at the moment, you always have other options like Uber, Lyft, a trusted friend, and more. We hope Leslie gets the help she needs, and if you need help along with Leslie, A-1 is happy to help!

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