5 ways to avoid a DUI this holiday season – A-1 Driving Schools | 19 Locations in Atlanta, GA

5 ways to avoid a DUI this holiday season

Photo by Johan Funke on Unsplash

For most people, the holidays mean spending time with friends and family. One of the greatest gifts you can give this season is

 sober driving. We deal with drunk drivers daily, but the holidays are a time when DUIs are much more prevalent. Here are some ways you can stay safe during the holidays!

1. Plan ahead

If you plan to go out and drink, make sure you have a way to get home or plan to stay there.

2. Be a designated driver

To make sure your friends and family get home safe, volunteer to be the sober driver. Groups should always have a friend stay sober so they can drive.

3. Do not allow underage drinking

Underage drinkers are more likely to drive under the influence. Although the holidays can be a time to let things slide, do not let underage children drink at holiday parties.

4. Make space for people to spend the nightPhoto by Eugene Zhyvchik on Unsplash

If you’re hosting a holiday get-together, it’s a wise idea to let people have the option to spend the night. Letting friends and family crash in a spare bedroom or on a couch is a helpful way to help those you love stay safe.

5. Watch out for your friends

Don’t let your friends drive impaired. If you see anyone trying to drive who shouldn’t be, do them a favor and take their keys. The biggest gift you can give your friends is a chance to see another day.

Please choose to drive sober! By driving sober you are saving your own life and keeping many others safe. Always remember, that Georgia drivers can be charged with DUI if their blood alcohol content (BAC) is .08 percent or higher. Stay safe during the holidays.

Read more at United States Department of Transportation

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