Jenny Chiem – Page 4 – A-1 Driving Schools | 19 Locations in Atlanta, GA

Drive Safe This Winter

Photo: Google Images

In addition to annual maintenance, here are some tips to winterize your car:

  • Test your battery; battery power drops as the temperature drop
  • If using all-season tires, check the tread on your tires and replace if less than 2/32 of an inch
  • Check the tire pressure; tire pressure drops as the temperature drops
  • Keep your gas tank at least half full to avoid gas line freeze

    How to Avoid a Crash Avoid using cruise control in wintry conditions

    • Steer in the direction of a skid, so when your wheels regain traction, you don’t have to overcorrect to stay in your lane
    • Accelerate and decelerate slowly
    • Increase following distance to 8 to 10 seconds
    • If possible, don’t stop when going uphill

There is a lot of very useful and informative information in driving the class and it will apply whether you have been driving for years or you are a brand new driver.

For more information about class schedules or to see A-1’s 19 convenient locations call (770)962-9555 or visit us at!


Deadly New Year’s DUI

Just two hours into the New Year, a Dallas man drove under the influence and injured himself, his passenger, and killed another man in a fatal three-car crash, Cobb County police said.

30-year-old Robert Godhigh of Dallas was driving southbound on Dallas Acworth Highway near Autumn View Drive with Berenice Sanchez, 22, as a passenger. Godhigh attempted to pass another car, driven by Khalil Wilson 22, of Acworth, by driving southbound in the northbound lane.

But another car, driven by Jermain Wilkins, 30, of Cartersville, was also driving northbound on the same road, approaching Autumn View Drive.

Godhigh crashed head-on into Wilkins’ car, which came to rest on the eastern shoulder of the highway. Godhigh’s car kept heading southbound and starting spinning counterclockwise due to the impact, hitting Wilson’s car on the left side before finally stopping in the southbound lane of Dallas Acworth Highway.

Photo: Google Images

Wilson and his passenger, Camyrn Currie, 22, of Dallas, were not injured. Wilkins was pronounced dead on the scene by the Cobb County Medical Examiner’s Office.

Godhigh and Sanchez, his passenger, were taken by ambulance to Wellstar Kennestone Hospital with serious injuries. Godhigh was admitted to the hospital but charged with first-degree vehicular homicide, driving under the influence, and improper passing.

The collision remains under investigation by the Cobb County Police Department.

Our condolences go out to the family and friends of those involved in this fatal accident.

DUI Laws | What You Need to Know

The laws make it illegal for drivers of all ages to operate motor vehicles if they have BAC percentages of:

  • 0.08% or higher, if they’re 21 years old or older operating regular passenger vehicles.
  • 0.04% or higher, if they’re operating commercial vehicles.
  • 0.02% or higher, if they’re younger than 21 years old.

Georgia State law also requires clinical evaluation and the attendance of a DUI / Risk Reduction Program that’s certified/licensed by the Georgia Department of Driver’s Services before your driver’s license can be reinstated if you have been charged with any of the following:

  1. DUI
  2. Drug Possession
  3. Other drug offenses
  4. Under-age possession of drugs or alcohol

Before getting behind the wheel after having a few, consider the many reasons why you should not.

For more information about DUI School visit or call (770) 962-9555!

What to do after a hit-and-run in Georgia?

5 things to do after a hit-and-run in Georgia

Getting into an accident can be frightening, and when the other driver flees the scene, the scenario can be even more stressful. Knowing what steps to take in advance can help you make sure you take care of everything you need to do.

  1. Check for injuries and call 911: Your first priority is your safety and the safety of those around you. Check yourself, your passengers and anyone else involved for injuries and call the emergency services if there’s a need.
  2. Move your car: If you can, move your car to a safe spot nearby, such as a shoulder or nearby parking lot. You shouldn’t move too far from the accident scene, but getting out of the flow of traffic is the safest option.
  3. File a police report: The police can help you record details about the other driver that you remember, take witness statements, and could eventually find the at-fault party.
  4. Take pictures of your car: If it is safe to do so, take photos of the damage to your vehicle and record the details of the accident. Doing this as soon as possible after the crash could help you keep a record of what happened.
  5. File an insurance claim: If you want to file a claim on your own insurance policy, you can call your company to do so. Many companies also have claims services on a mobile app or website. You may want to provide the police report number and the photos of your damage.
Safe driving practices that are taught in A-1’s Defensive Driving Class can apply to being a safe driver in a car and on a motorcycle. There is a lot of very useful and informative information in the class and it will apply whether you have been driving for years or you are a brand new driver.

For more information about class schedules or to see A-1’s 19 convenient locations call (770)962-9555 or visit us at!


Happy Holidays!

Photo: Google Images

“Drink” and “be merry” are the top two activities expected at many holiday parties set to get underway and law enforcement wants you to keep this message in mind: “Drive sober or get pulled over.”

Unfortunately, Christmas is one of the times of the year when DUI numbers spike…

Don’t let a DUI crash ruin what is supposed to be a great time of fellowship with family and friends.

Make that plan for a sober ride home before the night begins.

All motorists can use the following tips to stay safe, focused, and sober while traveling:

Plan ahead for a sober ride.

  • Arrange for a designated driver, use a rideshare service or program the numbers for cab companies into your phone.
  • You can also plan to use public transportation, but check schedules ahead of time in case service is altered during the holiday.
  • Don’t try to make up time by speeding. Because of extra traffic on the road, leave for your destination earlier than needed to allow for increased travel time.
  • Make sure everyone in your vehicle is wearing their seat belt and all children under 8 are riding in an approved child passenger safety seat or booster seat.
  • Limit driver distractions by staying off phones. Program GPS before you get on the road or have a passenger be in charge of navigation.
  • Take breaks to avoid drowsy driving: Plan rest stops as needed and alternate drivers if possible!

The same safe driving practices that are taught in A-1’s Defensive Driving Class can be applied to be a safe driver in a car and on a motorcycle. There is a lot of very useful and informative information in the class and it will apply whether you have been driving for years or you are a brand new driver.

For more information about class schedules or to see A-1’s 19 convenient locations call (770)962-9555 or visit us at!

From everyone here at A-1’s Driving School, we would like to wish everyone a safe, festive holiday! 

Common-Law Right to Boot Vehicles

Private business owners do not reserve the right to boot cars parked on their property, according to a new ruling from the Georgia Supreme Court.

The case dates back to 2018 when Forrest Allen sued the owner of RCC Wesley Chapel Crossing, LLC and several of its tenants in Clayton County State Court, claiming negligence, premises liability, false imprisonment, conversion, and violation of the Georgia Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.

Allen claimed in the lawsuit that on Feb. 8, 2018, when he parked his car in the parking lot of the shopping center, he returned to find his vehicle immobilized by a boot.

The suit also stated that Allen paid $650 to have the boot removed and that at least 250 other people had a similar fate when parking in the lot dating back to 2013.

The owners argued they had a common law right to boot the car as it was on their property.

However, nearly three years later, the Georgia Supreme Court agreed with Allen, citing that there is no state law or common law that allows for booting.

In the opinion, Justice Shawn Ellen LaGrua wrote that the judges “disagree and conclude that neither the right to remove trespassing property … nor distress damage feasant supports the vehicle immobilization practice defendants engaged in here.”

WABE legal analyst Page Pate said that for any booting to occur on private property, there would need to be a city ordinance allowing it. “The Supreme Court, in this case, has basically said there is no right for a private property owner to place a boot on a car that’s been over parked on a lot,” he said.

And while the court acknowledges that there is a way to deal with overparked vehicles through the Georgia Towing law, that law does not address booting.

Defensive Driving Course participants can learn about the current rules of the road and how to operate their vehicles more safely in today’s increasingly challenging driving environment.

Topics include:
  • Maintaining proper following distance
  • Minimizing the effect of dangerous blind spots
    Limiting driver distractions such as eating, smoking, and cell phone use
  • Properly using safety belts, airbags, and all car features
  • Effects of medications on driving
  • Maintaining physical flexibility
  • Monitoring the driving skills and capabilities of yourself and others

There is a lot of very useful and informative information offered in our classes and it will apply whether you have been driving for years or you are a brand new driver!

For more information about class schedules or to see A-1’s 19 convenient locations call (770)962-9555 or visit us at!

‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ Campaign

State troopers and local law enforcement officers are stepping up traffic enforcement during the Christmas/New Year’s holiday season and will take any drunk or drugged driver they find to jail. No excuses! No exceptions!

The increased enforcement effort is part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) national ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ mobilization, which runs from December 15, 2021 – January 2, 2022.

Georgia law enforcement officers and highway safety advocates are urging anyone planning to include alcohol in their celebration to include a plan for a ride with a sober driver, cab, or rideshare.

Photo: Google Images

Georgia drivers can be charged with DUI if their blood alcohol content (BAC) is .08 percent or higher.

When you are arrested for a DUI in Georgia, you’ll have to deal with both a criminal case and a separate license suspension. The Georgia Department of Driver Services will handle your license suspension pursuant to the implied consent laws and the GA criminal courts will prosecute the criminal case.

What happens in court won’t have any bearing on the status of your driver’s license and vice versa.

The Georgia courts impose criminal penalties including:

  • Fines;
  • Jail time;
  • Public service.

The Department of Driver Services imposes administrative penalties including:

  • Suspension or revocation of your license.

The higher your BAC, the more severe your penalties may be. Multiple convictions will also result in harsher sentences.

The state with the lowest drunken driving rate in the nation? That commendable distinction went to Delaware, with 44.3 DUI arrests per 100,000 people.

Men are far more likely than women to be arrested on drunken driving charges, as males accounted for nearly three in four DUI arrests in 2018, according to U.S. Drug Test Centers.

Additionally, whites accounted for 81.2 percent of DUI arrests in 2018, according to the report.

Georgia State law also requires clinical evaluation and the attendance of a DUI / Risk Reduction Program that’s certified/licensed by the Georgia Department of Driver’s Services before your driver’s license can be reinstated if you have been charged with any of the following:

  1. DUI
  2. Drug Possession
  3. Other drug offenses
  4. Under-age possession of drugs or alcohol

For more information about DUI School visit or call (770) 962-9555!

Pedestrian Rights

What Are Georgia’s Rules for Crossing Intersections? 

Pedestrians must cross intersections at a crosswalk. While most people consider a crosswalk as the pathway across the intersection denoted with white lines (i.e., a marked crosswalk), it is important to note that there are both marked and unmarked crosswalks.

An unmarked crosswalk is a line between one side of the roadway and the other. The only way this differs from a marked crosswalk is that there are no distinguishing marks.

If a pedestrian is in either a marked or unmarked crosswalk, he has the right-of-way. Drivers must yield to pedestrians already inside these crosswalks, regardless of whether the driver has a green light or not.

What Responsibilities Do Drivers Have?

According to the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, motorists must stop and stay stopped for pedestrians at crosswalks. Drivers must stay put until the pedestrian has vacated the driver’s side of the road.

Georgia law also holds that a driver cannot overtake another motorist who has stopped for a pedestrian.

Photo: Google Images

What Responsibilities Do Pedestrians Have?

Pedestrians must yield the right-of-way to drivers outside of crosswalks. While you can cross the street outside of a crosswalk, you must wait until traffic has cleared. If a pedestrian is hit outside a crosswalk, they might be liable for any injuries he sustains.

While pedestrians do have the right-of-way in crosswalks, Georgia’s crosswalk laws dictate that “no pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impractical for the driver to yield.”

If you step into a crosswalk in front of oncoming traffic and suffer injuries in an accident, you might be liable for your own injuries.

The same safe driving practices that are taught in A-1’s Defensive Driving Class can apply to being a safe driver in a car and on a motorcycle. There is a lot of very useful and informative information in the class and it will apply whether you have been driving for years or you are a brand new driver.

For more information about class schedules or to see A-1’s 19 convenient locations call (770)962-9555 or visit us at!

Motorcyclist Killed in Lawrenceville Wreck

A Suwanee motorcyclist in Gwinnett County died after he was hit by a car and thrown from his bike, officials said.

Robert Boren, 49, of Suwanee, died in a hospital after he was injured in the wreck, according to Gwinnett police spokeswoman Cpl. Michele Pihera.

Officers were sent to the intersection of Collins Hill and Russell roads in Lawrenceville, Pihera said.

Police said Boren was heading straight when the driver of a Honda Accord tried to make a left turn and hit him.  The driver and a passenger in the Accord were not hurt, she said.

Both vehicles were impounded after the crash, which is still under investigation.

Here are some quick tips for motorists:

  • Get plenty of rest. Symptoms of drowsy driving can include having trouble keeping your eyes open, drifting from lanes, or not remembering the last few miles driven.
  • Get some shades. Wear high-quality sunglasses and adjust the car’s sun visors as needed to avoid glare in the morning.
  • Change driving habits. Reduce speeds and increase following distances, especially in more populated areas.
  • Ditch the distractions. This can include cell phones, infotainment systems, or clocks that need to be turned back an hour.
  • Use the headlights. This can make you more visible to pedestrians in the morning and evening. Don’t forget, even though the time changed, many will stick to their normal habits of walking home or exercising in the later hours.
  • Remember to yield. Pedestrians have the right of way in crosswalks. Also, don’t pass vehicles stopped at crosswalks. Remember to yield the right of way to pedestrians in crosswalks.

The same safe driving practices that are taught in A-1’s Defensive Driving Class can apply to be a safe driver in a car and on a motorcycle. There is a lot of very useful and informative information in the class and it will apply whether you have been driving for years or you are a brand new driver.

For more information about class schedules or to see A-1’s 19 convenient locations call (770)962-9555 or visit us at!

Honda Passport, Pilot, Ridgeline Being Recalled for Hood Problem

The problem: Air entering a gap between the hood and the grille could cause the hood latch striker to weaken and potentially separate. If this happens, the hood could open while the vehicle is in motion. Honda has been investigating the issue since July 2016 and issued a technical service bulletin in December 2017.

The fix: Depending on the individual vehicle, Honda dealerships may repair the hood, install a striker support plate, or even completely replace the hood with a new part. These repairs will be performed free of charge. Owners who have already paid for a related repair should contact their Honda dealership about a reimbursement.

How to contact the manufacturer: Honda will mail notification letters to owners of affected vehicles starting January 17, 2022. Owners may also contact Honda at 888-234-2138.

NHTSA campaign number: 21V932. Honda’s own number for this recall is PBV.

Check to see whether your vehicle has an open recall: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA’s website) will tell you whether your vehicle has any open recalls that need to be addressed.

If you plug your car’s 17-digit vehicle identification number (VIN) into NHTSA’s website and a recall doesn’t appear, it means your vehicle doesn’t currently have any open recalls. Because automakers issue recalls often, and for many older vehicles, we recommend checking back regularly to see whether your vehicle has had a recall issued.

Consider taking a driving course at A-1 if you are interested in learning more rules and regulations, for very useful and informative information to stay safe on the road. This class can be applied to your daily driving practices whether you have been driving for years or you are a brand new driver.

The same safe driving practices that are taught in A-1’s Defensive Driving Class can be applied to being a safe driver in a car and on a motorcycle!

For more information about class schedules or to see A-1’s 19 convenient locations call (770)962-9555 or visit us at

DUI Involved in Multi-Car Crash

A Marietta man faces multiple charges, including driving under the influence of alcohol, in connection with a three-car crash.

20-year-old Ivan Gonzalez of Marietta was trying to turn left into the parking lot of 728 Sandtown Road but did not yield to oncoming traffic, and hit another car driven by Jose Galvan-Trejo, 53, of Smyrna, Marietta police said.

After the initial hit, Gonzalez’s car was pushed backward into a third car, driven by Ray Terranova, 55, of Smyrna. Galvan-Trejo was taken to Wellstar Kennestone Hospital with serious injuries, police said.

Gonzalez was arrested on scene and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, as well as serious injury by motor vehicle, driving on a suspended license, CP violations, and failure to yield turning left.

He was booked into the Cobb County jail and police said additional charges may be filed pending the outcome of the investigation.


Georgia drivers can be charged with DUI if their blood alcohol content (BAC) is .08 percent or higher.

When you are arrested for a DUI in Georgia, you’ll have to deal with both a criminal case and a separate license suspension. The Georgia Department of Driver Services will handle your license suspension pursuant to the implied consent laws and the GA criminal courts will prosecute the criminal case.

Georgia State law also requires clinical evaluation and the attendance of a DUI / Risk Reduction Program that’s certified/licensed by the Georgia Department of Driver’s Services before your driver’s license can be reinstated if you have been charged with any of the following:

  1. DUI
  2. Drug Possession
  3. Other drug offenses
  4. Under-age possession of drugs or alcohol