First Time Driving Ends in DUI Arrest – A-1 Driving Schools | 19 Locations in Atlanta, GA

First Time Driving Ends in DUI Arrest

Two minors were discovered to be intoxicated. The young couple, who were attending high school, drank alcohol before the male took the female out for her first driving lesson, even though neither of them had a driver’s license. At first, they denied having consumed alcohol, but the female eventually confessed to having had a white claw. The breathalyzer test administered by the police officer revealed that she had blown nearly twice the legal limit for adults, which contradicted her earlier statement.

You should never drink while learning how to drive. Driving under the influence is so dangerous and doubling the limit puts you and everyone on the road in danger. You shouldn’t trust that for your driving experience before taking your test. Go to a trustworthy driving school like A-1 for Drivers Education.

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