Will Having My Teen On My Insurance Raise My Rates? – A-1 Driving Schools | 19 Locations in Atlanta, GA

Will Having My Teen On My Insurance Raise My Rates?

On average, it can cost anywhere between 130% to 160% extra to add a teenager to your auto insurance policy.

This means you could be paying a minimum of an additional $2,000 a year in premiums for auto coverage.

This average value varies depending on the state you reside in, discounts you have applied to your policy, and many other factors such as:

  • Tickets and accidents
  • Age of the driver
  • Gender of the driver
  • Student’s achievements
  • Number of policies you have with the provider
  • The age of your vehicle
  • The type of vehicle your teenager drivers
  • The number of people on your policy

Some insurance providers may even go as far as inquiring about the medical history of your teenage driver. So if your teenager suffers from some physical or mental illness, like anxiety or depression, that could play a role in your rates as well.

Wanting to stray away from letting your teenager onto the roads after learning the statistics and risks associated with drivers their age and gender is entirely normal for a parent.

The first couple of years of driving for a teenager are statistically the most dangerous of all. Teen drivers can lower their car crash risk by enrolling in a defensive driving course & lower car insurance rates!

Teen drivers that graduate a defensive driving course can get the following benefits:

Photo: Google Images
  • Save on insurance premiums!
  • Learning the fundamentals of driving
    • Teen drives will learn the traffic rules in a systemic way.
  • Builds confidence
    • The first time behind the wheels can be a scary or stressful experience for a teen driver. Teen drivers can practice in a safe environment, where they can build confidence in their abilities and skills as they learn how to drive with the help of an experienced driver.
  • Shows them the risks
    • Teen drivers need to be aware that driving is dangerous. Being too nervous is dangerous, but if a teen driver is not nervous at all, it means he is not aware of how risky driving can be. Teens will learn how dangerous driving can be and what risks are involved. They will also learn how to avoid those risks.
  • Learning the consequences
    • In this course, teens will learn about the effects of driving under influence (DUI). Teen drivers will also learn they will have to take responsibility for their safety and the safety of others.
  • Learn the state’s laws
    • Traffic laws differ from one state to another. Depending on which state the teen driver is taking the course, he will be presented with the laws of that state.

For additional info about class schedules or to see A-1’s 19 convenient locations call (770)962-9555 or visit us at www.a1drivingschools.com!

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