Georgia Ranks 16th in The Worst Drivers In America Study – A-1 Driving Schools | 19 Locations in Atlanta, GA

Georgia Ranks 16th in The Worst Drivers In America Study

Although the pandemic may have cut down on people’s driving during the last year, it didn’t stop Georgia’s residents from hitting the road and getting into accidents.

A new report found Georgia ranked 16th among the worst drivers in the U.S. the worst drivers in the United States.

The law firm of Friend, Levinson & Turner looked at the state’s number of DUI arrests per capita, fatal collisions per capita, uninsured drivers, and how many internet searches were made in Georgia for terms like “how to get out of a ticket.”

Those numbers then were used to score the state from 0-100, from best to worst, the higher the score the worse a state’s drivers.

As part of its findings, the firm revealed Georgia scored 63.7. Around 66 DUI arrests per capita are made in the state, 17 fatal collisions per capita typically occur, and 12 percent of Georgia’s drivers are uninsured.

Looking at regional trends, the firm found Southern states made up half of the top 10 worst drivers in the country. It also found Western states made up one-third of the worst.

Photo: Google Images

When someone has a first DUI in Georgia they face the following potential penalties:

  • 12 months of probation
  • A minimum fine of $300 plus court costs and surcharges
  • Between 1 – 10 days in jail, which many times can be waived
  • At least 40 hours of community service
  • Substance abuse counseling
  • Attendance of the DUI Risk Reduction School (commonly referred to as DUI School)
  • Attendance of a Madd Mothers Victim Impact Panel
  • Drivers License Suspension, with a limited permit to drive

Georgia State law also requires clinical evaluation and the attendance of a DUI / Risk Reduction Program that’s certified/licensed by the Georgia Department of Driver’s Services before your driver’s license can be reinstated if you have been charged with any of the following:

  1. DUI
  2. Drug Possession
  3. Other drug offenses
  4. Under-age possession of drugs or alcohol

There is a lot of very useful and informative information offered in our classes and it will apply whether you have been driving for years or you are a brand new driver!

For more information about DUI School visit or call (770) 962-9555.

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