Many Georgia students began returning to in-person classes this week for the 2020-21 school year, following statewide school closures in March that prompted students to complete courses online.
Across the nation, school districts have been struggling to find the safest, most effective way to return to class this fall.
Putting your child on the bus for the first day of school is always a leap of faith for a parent.
Now, on top of the usual worries about youngsters adjusting to new teachers and classmates, there’s COVID-19.
Many districts will require their drivers to take on even more responsibilities during the 2020-21 school year, including completing student health screenings before children board, taking temperatures, enforcing mask requirements, and determining whether students need to be isolated if they show signs of illness during a ride.

Always Stop for a School Bus, when…
- Approaching behind a school bus when its’ lights flash yellow and red.
- Driving on either side of a 2-lane highway, both sides of traffic must always stop! for a stopped school bus.
Never Stop for a School Bus, when…
- Driving on the opposite side of traffic, on a 4-lane highway.
This is the common mistake most motorists make when approaching a stopped school bus.
If you are driving on the opposite side of the traffic of a school bus, on a 4-lane highway, always proceed with caution, but always keep moving! Stopping will impede traffic and may cause accidents.
To combat careless driving in school zones and bus routes, law enforcement has increased between 6:00 am to 9:00 am and 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
For more safe driving information or safe driving practices, A-1 Driving Schools has 19 convenient locations around metro Atlanta that all offer defensive driving courses!
For more information please call (770)962-9555 or visit us at!
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